On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 08:40 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 12:14 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

@Dar: I believe I will have to read a lot more until I completely understand
the recursion principle. So I guess IŽll stick to the repeat method at
first. I have re-read your post for quite a few times and feel like I have
never written a programm before.
Here is a little description. You might want to put this aside until you feel up to looking at recursion again.


Sometimes you see, in studying recursion, the factorial as an example. That is a good example in Revolution, so try that if you run across it in your reading.
A thought from a computing teaching acquaintance on understanding a recursive routine: When you see within the recursive handler the call to itself, assume it works, do not pursue it. That is, if the loop works once, it works for all depths.

Dar Scott

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