Rob Cozens writes:

I have already been offended by some of the religious and moral views I have
seen propounded here, but because I do not think this list should be cluttered
with such discussions I have abstained from expressing my offence.
Hi Bernard,
I commend you for following what I believe is the surest method of keeping unwanted posts to a minimum: do not respond.
IMFO, if people (a) don't respond to posts of a nature or subject matter they don't want to see on the List and (b) take a conversation off list when only two or three members wish to continue it, the List will be self-regulating and Heather can get on with better things.
Rob Cozens
Ideals are one thing, reality is another. This list is a bright and shining example, as evidenced by the number of OT posts, HTML formatted posts, questionable netiquette posts, etc.
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