On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 02:08 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

If you want some real applications, MC/RR is the only choice.
Not to throw water (or petrol) on it , but I do think that there have been an application or two made with Director. Also, Director is on version 9, RR has yet to deliver version 2. Questioning Macromedia's commitment to the product, and comparing it to that of a rather young company would seem to be a bit of self delusion.

Don't get me wrong, I like RR a lot - but Director is not a tool to look down upon. Many people have made entire careers on that tool, and it continues to represent a large portion of my company's income. Director MX on OSX is really quite a nice tool, and the scripting does not come off as an afterthought. And, in the event that an application needs to run inside a browser, there is nothing anywhere near as powerful as ShockWave.

Both Director an RR have a place. In many ways they play in completely separate leagues. I'd rather not choose which one to keep and which to dismiss as "not as good."

RPSystems, LTD

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