This happens in my two installations of Debian - both on Etch and on Lenny. It does not happen on a couple of Mandrivas, where all fonts installed are accessible. It still happens on the 2.9 beta. Its the only application I'm aware of that doesn't see all installed fonts on Debian.
Very glad to find someone has the same problem on a different OS, as it may help get to the bottom of it. What fonts are available to you? On Debian, the 2.9 beta, the ones available (using fontNames in message box) are: courier 10 bitstream charter terminal charter lucidatypewriter lucidabright lucida times new century schoolbook helvetica courier clean fixed I think this is one or two more than were available in 2.8 - can check if anyone is curious. Is this the same or different for you? The other thing is that not all fonts are available in all sizes, and if you try to invoke the wrong size it reverts to 10pt. Is this a problem for you also? For instance, for clean, if you pick 48pt, I get what looks like 10. Peter _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences: