Dear List

I found out the hard way that when there is a compile error in a script, then **all** 
the handlers in that script are nuked, i.e. they simply evaporate and so messages that 
expect to find such handlers in the message path suddenly generate 'can't find 
handler' errors. So it's no good putting 10 handlers in a script and debugging their 
syntax one by one (you can of course do it with the semantics).

When there is a compile error after editing a script, it is reported (I thought) when 
you hit the 'Apply' button, thus warning you of problems to come. However, I've just 
experienced a problem where an already working handler appears to have been eliminated 
from my mainstack/ message path without any explicit error showing up. I can't work 
out how to find the error. The mainstack is called 'SC_Anchor', and I've noticed that 
after the 'can't find stack' error occurs,

  put exists(stack "SC_Anchor") returns 'true', but that

  put exists(the script of stack "SC_Anchor") returns 'false'

OTOH, my testing sequence always starts when I send a message from the message box 

  send "startUp" to stack "SC_Anchor"

and that always works... (BTW, this is my solution - suggested earlier by someone on 
this list - to the problem of not being able to use a 'startUp' handler within the 
development environment).

I have checked the spelling of the handler's name and I've also checked that the 
handler's script is well formed. Just don't know what to do next. I would like to list 
all the handlers in the stack known to the Revo environment, but I don't know how.

Any help gratefully accepted!


Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France
use-revolution mailing list

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