Trevor DeVore wrote:
On Dec 4, 2007, at 9:57 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

Do you stop by setting the playrate to 0?


FWIW: I've also solved a number of issues by always "cleaning up" the player, after stopping, set the file name to empty, set the current time to 0, save, before leaving the card (hiding the group or whatever) ... I never was able to ferret out the exact isues... but

He was much happier to be left with filename empty; be opened (the player), displayed, all other processes in the stack finished and *then*... set the URL by script and set the playrate to 1. One issue for sure is: if you set the filename to a remote URL and then quit the stack after a save... you have left that player "hooked" up to a remote URL.. So, then if you intend to use that card + player later and set it to a different URL... the player seems to be unhappy that he has been set to open a socket to play one movie (the URL that you left behind in an earlier session), but then by script you are resetting the filename to a different URL... it can just hang, or take forever to start as if he's saying "Gee I already opened a socket to this one movie and now you want me to play a different movie? Let me hang up on the first one and if I don't get too confused will try to load and play the new one..." half the time it would hang... after I started cleaning up the player on exit...symptoms disappeared...well, almost...he still will not play remote movies with a Fast Start Header that play just fine in a browser... so we've moved (I should say Andre has) a RevBrowser solution.)

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