On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 19:11:52 +0000, Mark Smith wrote:

> Thanks, Ken! I had tried <packages of POSIX folder...>, but it didn't 
> work, of course. Can you recommend a good Applescript book? Not an 
> intro to scripting, but something fairly in-depth? If not, could you 
> write one?  :)


Actually, I have/use:

  AppleScript, The Missing Manual (Pogue Press/O'Reilly)
  (c) 2005 by Adam Goldstein
  (Has sections organized by function, like "backing up file", 
"commanding other applications", "saving files", etc.)

  AppleScript in a Nutshell (O'Reilly)
  (c) 2001 by Bruce W. Perry
  (More technical, "dictionary"-type format)

  And the venerable...

  Danny Goodman's AppleScript Handbook, 2nd Ed (Random House)
  (c) 1994 by Danny Goodman
  (More basic, beginner-level stuff with sections of controlling other 

Of the three, "The Missing Manual" is one I use the most when I'm 
looking to write a specific function, and "Nutshell" when I'm looking 
for a specific token to do a specific thing. Both I'd recommend...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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