Hi Joseph,

on opencard
   put url("file:userinput.txt") into fld "userinput"
end opencard
et voila you are in the profesional "preferences writing"-business ;-)
Klaus, thanks for the excellent reply. And thanks to all the others who responded to this query. Your solution of using the URL keyword was just what I was looking for (although I wouldn't have guessed that user-modified fields aren't automatically saved in Rev :). I understand the security issues put forth in several other notes, but in my case the user is simply specifying a directory to save text files into. My near-final code looks like this (note: as I'm working on a Windows platform, please excuse the path name ;):

on openStack
put URL "file:/Program Files/TextDisplay/savedir.txt" into fld "Directory"
end openStack

on closeStack
put fld "Directory" into URL "file:/Program Files/TextDisplay/savedir.txt"
end closeStack

I found it interesting that I didn't have to specify which drive (C:\ etc.) I wanted to read/write to even though I have several in my PC.
That's coooool.
But i would not rely on that ;-)

Also note that the slashes (/) are backwards from normal Windows file path slashes (\) for some reason.
That's the way pathnames are handled in RR.
They do it internally the "unix" way and the engines will translate to the proper
platform path :-)


Klaus Major

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