
I have done a little stack which runs a perl script embedded as a custom 
property. This works for me on my win pcs and servers with perl installed and 
on the linux. Does this work on a modern mac (= do you have PerlTk normally on 
your macs?).
If it would work on mac too it would allow to extend runrev on any machine with 
the power of perl everytime we need it ...

you can

go stack URL "http://animabit.de/runrev/perl.rev"; 

or test it on your own:

on mouseUp 
  replace cr with empty in field "perl"
  put field "perl" into auftrag
  replace quote with ("\" & quote) in auftrag
  put "perl -e " & quote & auftrag & quote into auftrag
  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  --answer auftrag
  put shell(auftrag) into field "ergebnis"
end mouseUp

[text of field "perl"]

        use strict;        use Tk;        my $main = new MainWindow;        
$main->Label(-text => "At the top (default)  \x{5DB}\x{5DC}\x{5DE} 
\x{fe95}\x{fe95}")->pack;        $main->Label(-text => 'At the 
bottom')->pack(-side => 'bottom');        $main->Label(-text => 'The middle 
remains')->pack;        my $top1 = $main->Toplevel;        $top1->Label(-text 
=> 'Left')->pack(-side => 'left');        $top1->Label(-text => 
'Right')->pack(-side => 'right');        $top1->Label(-text => 
'?Bottom?')->pack(-side => 'bottom');                my $top2 = 
$main->Toplevel;        my $frame = $top2->Frame;        $frame->pack;        
$frame->Label(-text => 'Left2')->pack(-side => 'left');        
$frame->Label(-text => 'Right2')->pack(-side => 'right');        
$top2->Label(-text => 'Bottom2')->pack(-side => 'bottom');        MainLoop;

thank you, Franz
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

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