Some précisions about that. With this handler :

on mouseUp
  repeat for 300
    SBstartNote 1,60,80 -- 1 = piano, 60 = C
    wait 10 ticks
    SBstopNote 1,60
  end repeat
end mouseUp

all is good. But with this other one :

on mouseUp
  repeat for 300
    SBstartNote 1,60,80 
  end repeat
end mouseUp

we can't heard more than 256 sounds.

René from Paris

Le 15 févr. 08 à 22:00, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

Some of you may know that my site has been the distribution point for the Shakobox PlayCommand Agent, written by Jonathan Bettencourt some years ago. This software allows Revolution to emulate the HyperCard "play" command on both Windows and Mac. HyperCard's "play" command is able to use scripted musical notation to play back songs on the fly. The PlayCommand Agent uses QuickTime to simulate what HyperCard could do natively.

Recently it was reported that the PlayCommand Agent does not work when more than 256 notes were scripted. Jon is no longer supporting the software, but given the recent problem, he has released the code as open source.

The info he posted to the HyperCard mailing list is below, and includes a link to the source code. I think it would be wonderful if someone would turn this into a Revolution external. I know that many people use PlayCommand Agent and would appreciate a more consolidated solution than the current one, which requires external files on disk and a few extra steps to get it working.

If anyone would like to take a stab at this, please let me know. I'd be happy to continue distributing updates; I think it would be a good idea to keep any new versions in a central location. Also, it has always been a free offering and we would like to keep it that way.


-------- Original Message --------

I've decided to release the source code for the PlayCommand Agent
program that made playing HyperTalk note syntax using QuickTime
possible. It's available to download here:

If someone has experience with a) RealBasic, b) a *real* language, and
c) the QuickTime API, then please be my guest to port it, make it an
XCMD, etc. :)

You may distribute this message however you want. Post it on the Rev
list, for example.
Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |

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