I'm wondering what is the "recommended" way of handling a lot of dialog boxes in applications. There are a couple of way of handling this that I've thought of but I don't know what would be considered "best:"

1) A separate stack for each dialog.
Pros: Sizing, function (information only, getting user input, etc) can be implemented without worrying about it's effect
            on other dialogs.
Cons: You need the basic "stack overhead" repeated over and over for each dialog

2) One dialog stack with multiple cards (one for each dialog).
   Pros: Single stack overhead (smaller file size)
Cons: Every time a dialog is opened, the correct card has to be selected and then the stack has to be resized for that particular dialog.

3) Some other approach.

Any advice? I know I could use either one and make it work but I looking for "best practice" advice.


Len Morgan
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