Andre Garzia wrote:
Yes, I use magic carpet daily and it saves a lot of time. Me and
Sivakatirswami works on the same projects using magic carpet and we
never run into a problem. I think Magic Carpet is one of the killer
apps available for Revolution Developers and anyone doing serious work
in Rev can benefit from it.

CVS/SVN and the other usual suspects can't really deal with Stacks,
Magic Carpet is built with stacks... really, it works very well!


Ditto that... I've had experience with Adobe's Version Cue, terminal cmd line RCS and Magic Carpet. The latter tops them all for simplicity and flexibility, and, if it's Revolution stacks you are wanting to collaborate on, well, it's really the tool of choice... Run, don't walk to Altuit to get this little gem.

Note, I think it might serve equally well for other kinds of documents as well... version control over, MSword docs, or OmniOutliner files... etc.

On 3/1/08, Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Coming a bit late to this party. I've successfully used Rev in a
 multi-developer environment using our own auto-update architecture and

 It basically works like this. Individual developers check out stacks
 from a web server using MagicCarpet, work on them, then check them
 back in (with notes if they like). MagicCarpet can be setup to
 automatically archive versions, so you can 'roll back' to an older
 version if necessary. Because of our auto-updating architecture, as
 soon as someone checks in a stack, it is instantly made available to
 anyone with the application's executable (Mac or PC). New files are
 automatically downloaded into a plugins folder, after a successful
 launch. Our MGC architecture also handles downloading and
 uncompressing of zip archives as well.

 With small groups of developers, each can be assigned a specific
 library (stack) to work on. Jerry Daniels, Andre Garzia and Sarah
 Reichelt are a few who have used this technique successfully.

 Just another point of view...


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