Hi Dave,

> How to I get a Beta license for the latest 2.9 Beta release?

Thanks so much for asking, I was just about to post to the list a plea for 
people to test.

As many long-time list participants know, we are reaching the end of long 
process to release Revolution 2.9, which I sincerely believe will be the 
most functional, most reliable, and highest-quality version of the product 
ever released. Our goal with this edition is to ensure there's absolutely no 
reason to use any other version of the software. (We know there a few hold 
outs who have stuck with Revolution 2.6.1 or, bafflingly, even older 

In Revolution 2.9 you will find:

- Top-notch support for modern Linux, Vista, Mac Classic(!) and Leopard
- New features, language commands and functions
- Totally revamped printing, clipboard, and drag-drop support
- Vastly improved user guide and documentation
- Hundreds and hundreds of bug fixes
- And much, much more

In short, Revolution 2.9 is intended to give you and users of your solutions 
the absolute best experience.

The current prerelease version is Beta 12 (RC5) and I suspect this will be 
one of the last if not THE last beta version before we go to release 
candidate status. Once we go to "RC" the scope of problems we can fix will 
be quite narrow. Therefore, I urge *everyone* to aggressively test this 
version against current and past projects.

I've just sent out notices to our nearly 800 beta testers with download 
links and activation codes for this beta.

- If you are a registered tester have NOT received the notice, check your 
junk mail folders and if it's still not there, please send an email to 
bill.marriott AT runrev DOT com .. I will resend you the letter.

- If you are NOT registered for the beta, please do so now. Visit


  You will get an auto-response that your registration was received and I 
will send out another batch of instructions in the next 24 hours.

- Current Enterprise license holders may obtain the prerelease version by 
using the "Check for Updates..." command in the Help menu.

Please review the release notes and "changelog" files in the application 
directory for the detailed list of changes to this version and focus your 
testing in those areas, as those are the most likely to have introduced 
errors. Please open a variety of stacks and check that they work the way you 
expect. If you have the ability to do so, run it on a variety of operating 
systems. (You can run Linux or Windows XP in a Virtual Machine).

And of course, report your findings, if any, in the Revolution Quality 
Control Center:


Let me empahize again this may be your last chance to impact the quality of 
our final release in a positive way, so  please take a few moments now to 
register (if you haven't), download, and test!

Thanks and good luck...


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