For those of you who are interested in graphics, I DO suggest you try
Monte's custom paint tool for simply drawing squiggly lines with the mouse.
In terms of coding, and since Monte has proved to us all that he is quite
good at this kind of thing, I think that this routine is probably about as
efficient as it can be. Yet on my Pentium II (Windows ME), the result is not
very good, certainly not as good as it would be in VB. The mouse draws a
broken rather than continuous line, even when you move it slowly.

So contradict me if I am wrong:

The development of a procedure for direct access to the image's pixel data
(rather than having instructions like 'put the imageData of image "bmw.bmp"
into iData, set the imageData of image "bmw.bmp" to iData', etc.) would
probably help a lot.
But as I said, it would take a real bright spark (someone with internal
knowledge of the Transcript engine) to come up with such a solution.
However, they did it in VB...


When the RunRev team get their heads above water, I would also like to know
what they think about this issue.

Here's Monte's routine again:

-Button script

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

-Card script

local lImageData,lPaintColor,lMouseDown

on InitialiseImageData
  put the imageData of image 1 into lImageData
end InitialiseImageData

on InitialisePaintColor
  put binaryEncode("CCCC",0,0,255,0) into lPaintColor
end InitialisePaintColor

on mouseMove x,y
  if lMouseDown then
    if word 1 of the target is "image" then
      set the lockCursor to true
      set the cursor to cross
      put (x-the left of image 1)*4+(y- the top of image 1)*(the width of
image 1*4) into x
      put lPaintColor into char x-3 to x of lImageData
      set the imageData of image 1 to lImageData
    end if
    pass mouseMove
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseDown
  put true into lMouseDown
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseRelease

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