On 18/3/08 02:41, Colin Holgate wrote:
Sometimes when trying to figure out another programming tool I'll try something I've done in other tools. The thing I chose to do is probably not typical of Revolution stacks. I've made a QuickTime movie of it here (it's iPhone friendly too):


so you can see what it does without downloading the stack it it's not of interest. The stack is here:


It's all one card script.

BTW, it may have taken me more than one day of learning to get this far!

Very sweet!

Inspired by something else someone showed me today* I made a few tiny changes. I haven't figured out a good way to make a movie (how did you do it, Colin?); but if you'd like to see what happens when the RunRev staff leave work, execute the following into your message box:

   go stack URL "http://www.cogapp.com/users/benr/track.rev";

- Ben

* http://www.phatfusion.net/googledrive/

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