Is fld "index" just one field containing all the numbers you want to
sort? If so, what is the item delimiter - is it comma or return or
something else?
If it's comma, the function
max(fld "myIndexField")
will tell you the largest number in the field. If the delimiter isn't
comma, you may have to fix it so it is (using 'replace' for example).
To get rid of duplicates and make a list of those numbers duplicated,
you can do something like this (in a button in this example, but of
course it could be a function) - still assuming comma is the delimiter.
on mouseUp
local myLastItemRead, myResultTemp,myListOfDuplicates
put empty into myLastItemRead
put empty into myListOfDuplicates
put empty into MyResultTemp
set the itemdel to comma
sort items of fld "myIndexField" ascending numeric
repeat for each item myIndex in fld "myIndexField"
if myIndex <> myLastItemRead then -- this is not a duplicate
put myIndex into myLastItemRead
put myIndex&"," after myResultTemp
if myIndex <> last item of myListOfDuplicates then
put myIndex&"," after myListOfDuplicates
end if
end if
end repeat
delete last char of myResultTemp -- a spare comma
if myListOfDuplicates is not empty then delete last char of
myListOfDuplicates -- another spare comma
put "Items duplicated:"&&myListOfDuplicates
put myResultTemp into fld "myIndexField"
end mouseUp
However I don't understand how your index field (which just seems
from what I understand to be a set of numbers) is associated with the
"thousands of cards" which you mention, so I may well have missed the
point of the exercise.
Nevertheless HTH
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:40:14 -0400, "william humphrey"
Can someone help me with a function?
If sort all cards by fld "index" doesn't work and fld "index" has a
bunch of
numbers in it which aren't in order and skip some values how do I
1. Find out what is the highest value in fld "index"?
2. Find out a list of any numbers that are duplicates?
I'm afraid that I do to much work of this sort in Excel and I can't
think of
a way to do this without dumping all the values to memory and
working on
them there.
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