Speaking of mousemove...

I don't know if anyone else is annoyed by this behavior.... When you have an unlocked scrolling field and you move the cursor into it, it changes to an ibeam. The problem for me is that it's an ibeam even if you move the cursor over the scrollbar. I find it mildly troublesome that when I want to drag or click on the scrollbar, the cursor is an ibeam -- it really ought to be an arrow, since you are not about to set down the insertion point. If you want to correct this, put the script below suitably high in the message path (or into an individual field, if you prefer not to have it as general behavior).

on mousemove
  if not (the target contains "field") then pass mousemove
  if not the vScrollbar of the target then pass mousemove
  if the locktext of the target then pass mousemove
  put the scrollbarwidth of the target into sw
  put the borderwidth of the target into bw
  add bw to sw
  if the mouseH <= (the right of the target) - sw then
    set the defaultcursor to iBeam
    set the defaultcursor to arrow
  end if
end mousemove

on mouseleave
  set the defaultcursor to empty
end mouseleave

This works for vertical scrollbars -- you can do the same for horizontal ones, with suitable changes in the script.

Peter M. Brigham
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