Next problem - if I feed revOpenDatabase a filepath that contains any umlauts etc, I get "Database Error: Unable to open the database file" even though I've just done a successful check for the existence of the file.
Remove the UTF8 characters from the path and it works fine.

OS X 10.5.2
Rev Studio 2.9.0 dp1

Any known workarounds? All I can find in the QCC is #4897 for creating files, nothing about revOpenDatabase failing.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. This is the code:

 if there is a file tLibPath then
                get revOpenDatabase("sqlite",tLibpath,,,,)
                put it into tTemp
                set the propApDBID of stack "apertureLib" to tTemp
                return true
                answer "no db file found"
                return "Library cannot be found!"
            end if
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