I believe you might say the same for SuperCard. Kind of! My personal
feeling is that when Rev was first released as MetaCard, perhaps as
something else - my memory fails me, we had all become accustomed to
HC - free for all to use; and we resented that someone was trying to
get rich on what we felt should almost be in the public domain. There
were a lot of hurt feelings. And it was still seen as a Mac only tool.
It probably still is. Certainly, the majority of users on this list
appear to be mostly on Macs. In many cases, here I speak for myself, I
wish it were Mac only and we didn't even have to deal with everyone
else. AND, believe it or not, there is still a lot of combativeness
between the two platforms. Even here - as I'm sure I'll soon be made
aware. (smile)
My two centavos,
Joe Wilkins
On May 28, 2008, at 11:57 PM, viktoras didziulis wrote:
many times I have been wondering, why so many people know of Air,
and all these fresh new things about flash, Flex 3, Python, Java,
MySQL, SQLite, PHP, even Logo, etc... Those are babies of Adobe, Sun
or not so well known companies or even open source projects. And why
do they usually know next to nothing about Revolution, which is not
a new IDE product at all... Then I realized that Revolution is
absent from press releases of major printed IT/PC/MAC magazines. On
each new release or upgrade of its products Adobe and even open
source project leaders "shout out" a press release appearing on
printed pages of many journals, that's why we know. But when
Revolution Released 2.9 no IT magazine (please correct me if I am
wrong) ever covered it. Why? Doesn't Run Rev Ltd do press releases
on its products and upgrades ? Maybe those press releases are
somehow limited... Printed words still have a big weight in this
Internet age, maybe because people tend to associate them with some
sort of credibility of printed text, etc...
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