Hi Bernd,

As long as the handler is running, Revolution can't do its memory management tasks. That might be why memory builds up. The workaround you found seems a good solution. I'd hesitate to call this a bug, although it might be useful to be able to clean up some memory along the way.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http://economy-x-talk.com/server.html for more info.

On 5 jun 2008, at 22:15, BNig wrote:

Hi list,

I would like some opinions on the following

while evalutating a couple of thousand stacks of scientific data
retrospectively I discovered that repeatedly opening a stack with go stack aStack and doing some things and then deleting stack aStack in one handler eats up memory to the degree that Rev uses all the available RAM then some
virtual memory and then crashes.
This is on a MacBook Pro 2 GB RAM, MacOSX 10.5.2, 10.5.3, Revolution Studio

choose any stack of about 250 KB or greater and use activity monitor to see
the memory usage
It uses about 1 GB physical RAM for 200 to 300 repeats

on mouseUp
answer file "please choose a revolution stack to test for memory usage"
   if it is empty then exit mouseUp

   put it into theFile
   repeat with i = 1 to 700
       go invisible stack theFile
       delete stack theFile
       -- with or without wait there is a memory buildup
       wait 5 millisecs with messages
       put i
   end repeat
end mouseUp

The good thing is there is a workaround at least under 2.9 with the send
command (not working for Media 2.7.4, still eating memory)

local theFile, theCounter
on mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
answer file "please choose a revolution stack to test for memory usage"
   if it is empty then exit mouseUp

   put it into theFile
   put 0 into theCounter
   send "goThatFile" to me in 10 millisecs
end mouseUp

on goThatFile
   add 1 to theCounter
   go invisible stack theFile
   delete stack theFile
   put theCounter
   if theCounter < 1000 then send "goThatFile" to me in 5 millisecs
end goThatFile

So the question is whether one should consider it a bug or whether it is
what you expect since it is a "blocking" handler.
It is probably not a situation that occurs very often, but my feeling is
that, well, Revolution should not crash when it runs out of memory.

Anybody cares to comment on this?

best regards

Bernd Niggemann

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