Hello Richmond,
Une page d'humour franco-anglaise (franglo) :
Your title : "Les Anglophones avec les langues excrables" ("exécrables", I suppose) is a good example of the difficulty... I suppose you want to say "the Anglophones are not good with foreign languages" but you have said "the relation of the Anglophones with execrable languages" witch suppose you think that other languages are execrable... :-) it is not wrong sometime :-) In good french your title should have been : "La pratique des langues étrangères par les anglophones est exécrable", it is not simple and it is not a very good french, this is better : "le peu d'intérêt des anglophones pour la pratique des langues étrangères", we can see that french is l o n g and not very simple... :-) :-) :-)
René from Paris

Le 26 juin 08 à 11:14, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

Dear Rene, Viktorias, Klaus, et al,

There should be no need whatsoever to apologise about the state of your English. Most native English speakers are notoriously bad at other languages.

As a speaker of:

really bad schoolboy French,
Scotticised English,
bucket Bulgarian,

and various bits and bobs of Hebrew and Arabic

I can honestly say that I speak from a position of authority in this area!

Forbye on the RR list we should be endlessly impressed that the non- native speakers take such very great pains to write their messages in English at all.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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