
I don't have idea about what is the best with the httpproxy part of your question.

About the httpheaders, in my experience (both MC and Rev http clients), it's always a good precaution to set the httpheaders again before each new occurence of a POST command.

See this transcript-based pgdump trigger function (PostgreSQL database backup) as a for years running production state example :

function newdbpgdump d,p
 put "&tdSQL=" & urlencode(reagenc(p)) into larequete
put "doSQL=632&toTDB=" & d & larequete & "&IDC=" & encefv1("pierres") & "&VAL=" & encefv1("roussilles") into retour set httpheaders to "Content-type: application/x-www-form- urlencoded" & return
  post retour to url (line 1 of fld "revwas")
  if it is "" then
answer "La connexion avec le serveur distant est rompue." & return & return & \
        "Vérifiez votre configuration d'accès à l'internet"
    exit to top
  else return word 1 to -1 of it & return & return
end newdbpgdump

Hope this can help,

Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

Le 18 juil. 08 à 22:25, Andre Garzia a écrit :

Hello Friends,

a quick question, anyone knows how persistent is httpproxy and
httpheaders? I want to know if I need to set them everytime or if
setting them on openstack will be enough for all subsequent URL calls.

PS: Yes, I could sniff that with wireshark, but I felt like asking...

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