Bill Vlahos wrote:

"Other than not being "Signed by Microsoft" (unless I go through the 
certification/payment process), is there anything wrong with what I'm 

Having spent most of last night "bu**ering around" with a friend's PC which 
sported 5 Trojan horses (1 of them even claimed to be "Signed by Microsoft") 
and all sorts of jolly bent cookies, viruses and so forth, I can't help but 
view "Signed by Microsoft" as neither an endorsement or anything else of any 
great significance.

I would even go so far as to say that I would feel far more comfortable with a 
Windows program that made no such claim; then when it turned out to be 
something awful I wouldn't feel so cheesed-off!

Well; good things sometimes arise out of misfortune; my friends have asked me 
to scrub their PC and pop Ubuntu on it + WINE: nothing could give me greater 
pleasure. These friends run a notary's office and have 5 PCs which got badly 
bashed by some Ransomware about 2 years ago; I scrubbed their Windows and they 
have been running Ubuntu + Open Office Org with no crashes, no demands from 
Russian crooks for money, and no Trojans or viruses; so they are already well 
aware of the advantages of well-installed Linux (and I use "well-installed" 
advisedly, as simply bunging a distro on a PC can sometimes produce negative 
results). The only problem these folk have to face is telling their 10 year old 
that he will lose all his computer games (a thing for which I have no sympathy 
at all as, as far as I am concerned, 90% of computer games serve no purpose 
except to numb the brain); will introduce the "poor little mite" to Wesnoth.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


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