Hello Ken and thanks again. I am already using a script to locate copies of FileBuddy and so far it seems to work on the few machines I've tested. But thanks for suggesting it because it was dumb luck I ran across this script.

  put "find /Library/Receipts -name *PlistBuddy" into tFindScript
  put shell(tFindScript) into tPlistBuddyList

I then figure out which has the most recent creation date and go with that one.

My fixPath() routine doesn't take all the same characters into account.... I'll be using yours!

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
web       http://elementarysoftware.com/

On Jul 23, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

Thanks a bunch.  I didn't know about PlistBuddy.  I've got it working

BTW: If this is going to be a commercial app, you may want to insure against the possibility that PlistBuddy isn't in the place you think it is (I've had
that happen when going from Tiger (where it was in the
AdditionalEssentials.pkg receipt file) to Leopard (where it ended up in /usr/libexec)). Here's a handy handler I wrote just in case... feel free to
use any or all of it (watch line wraps):

function stsFindPListBuddy
  -- Attempts to locate PlistBuddy by some known paths first, and
-- then uses "locate" if it can't find it. PlistBuddy is installed with a
  -- lot of software so it should always be there.
  put "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" & cr & "/Library/Receipts/
AdditionalEssentials.pkg/Contents/Resources/PlistBuddy" into tKnownLocs
  repeat for each line tLoc in tKnownLocs
    if there is a file tLoc then return tLoc
  end repeat
  put shell("/usr/bin/locate PlistBuddy | sed 2,10000d") into tLoc
  put word 1 to -1 of tLoc into tLoc
  return fixPath(tLoc)  -- Just in case of spaces, etc.
end stsFindPListBuddy

function fixPath pPath
 put "\" & space & quote & "'`<>!;()[]?#$^&*=" into tSpecialChars
 repeat for each char tChar in tSpecialChars
   replace tChar with ("\" & tChar) in pPath
 end repeat
 return pPath
end fixPath


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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