On Dienstag, Februar 18, 2003, at 11:39  Uhr, Curry wrote:

If any people here are interested in shareware processing but haven't tried eSellerate, you can sign up and test the features immediately with the trial account feature. There are no startup charges when you join, just like Kagi. (And of course it would great to have Kagi supported with RunRev too.) If you want to try it out, the web page > is:
I would like tho see shareit to. Because they support a lot of currencies and languages. What I have not seen from any other shareware distributor. What they have to do for "suporting rev"?
Maybe I m ignorant, but I would like to put my password stack "anywhere" (on their or my server so that the client gets the password imediatly when he purchases and I a get the message about the order.
Has anybody here such a stack?
Or knows where I can find one...?

Or do I need another solution for that. How sure can I bee, that I there are not builded any password without a message to me when its on their (any shareware distributor) server..?
Thanks in advance for infos...

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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