Hi Ruslan,

I am not trying to stop Lynn to send information about new Valentina updates for Revolution to this mail list and I am definitely not trying to stop you from doing anything.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See http://economy-x-talk.com/server.html for more info.

On 11 sep 2008, at 21:57, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

On 9/11/08 10:22 PM, "Mark Schonewille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Hi Mark,

I wonder on such people as you.

I remember that during last 10 years, may be 5-7 other developers like you have try stop me and us from sending to REALbasic, Revolution, Director
lists information about Valentina database.

And it was nice to see that while ONE person say DO NOT send it, usually dozen have answer him -- I AM INTRESTED to read on this list any possible
information related to REALbasic, Revolution, Director, ...

You see point ?

Many new vistors can be on this list, which did not hear yet about Mirey, or
Valentina or may be about you product if it is target REV DEVELOPERS.
But If you product target e.g. housewife then of course no sense to send
your newsletter to this list.

All is clear like a day :-)

And this is one letter per month as I understand, it make your nervous???
I could understand if it was once per hours :-)

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