> In the case the mshta.exe does not close (a problem in ms windows documented
> in the ms kb) I use the following vbs in field 1 and run it from runrev. This
> works and closes any process "mshta.exe".
> on mouseUp
> put field 1 into auftrag; do auftrag as VBScript; put the result
> end mouseUp
> set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:")
> wql = "select * from win32_process"
> set ergebnis = wmi.ExecQuery(wql)
> for each objekt in ergebnis
> liste = liste & objekt.name & " Prozess-ID: " & objekt.processID & vbCr
> next
> wql = "select * from win32_process where name='mshta.exe'"
> set ergebnis = wmi.ExecQuery(wql)
> for each mshta in ergebnis
> mshta.Terminate 0
> next

Yes, I do something similar in a more generic "kill process" handler of mine
(watch word wraps):

on stsKillProcess pProcNameOrID
   put the VBS_KillProcess of this stack into tScript
    if isNumber(pProcNameOrID) then
      replace "<<PROCATTRIB>>" with "Process.ProcessID" in tScript
      replace "<<PROCVALUE>>" with pProcNameOrID in tScript
      replace "<<PROCATTRIB>>" with "Process.Caption" in tScript
      replace "<<PROCVALUE>>" with (quote & toLower(pProcNameOrID) & quote)
in tScript
    end if
    put stsDoScript(tScript,"VBS") <> "" into tResult
    -- I have a wrapper around "do script" that does
    -- some add'l error checking, etc.)
    if tResult is not empty then answer tResult
end stsKillProcess

--- This is the VBS_KillProcess custom property contents:

Set ProcessSet = 
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery("select *
from Win32_Process")

tResult = ""
For each Process in ProcessSet
    If Process.ExecutablePath <> "" Then
        If LCase(<<PROCATTRIB>>)=<<PROCVALUE>> Then
            Process.Terminate (Process.ProcessID)
            tResult="STSError: Process not found."
        End If
    End If
WScript.Echo tResult

Never thought of using HTAs though...


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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