Chipp Walters wrote:
I use the @ sign all the time when accessing ftp on Windows XP and Vista.
I'm not sure what your problem is.

I think the problem is that the '@' sign is used in a convention that allows the username and password to be folded into the ftp URL; ie

        ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path

In Ton's case, the username includes an @ sign. The code has to parse the string into those five parts (protocol, username, password, machine, path). If there are two '@' signs in the string, that's ambiguous.

Arguably the surprise isn't that it throws things off on Windows; it's more surprising that it works on Mac. Certainly I think it's surprising that it's different on the two platforms, you'd think that this parsing would be in the libURL transcript code, rather than in some platform-specific engine code.

But at any rate, the solution is to urlEncode the username and password when constructing such a URL (which will have the effect of replacing ":" with "%3A", and "@" with "%40").

- Ben

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