Hello Richard,

Thank you for your comments!

You wrote:

"If you're copying objects, you may find it both more secure and more 
convenient to maintain to have as few handlers as possible in those 
objects, which merely call handlers in a central library or your app's 
mainstack to do the real work,"

I did this as you suggests, but since 2 weeks I do it in a more extremistic 
way: I (almost) do NOT HAVE ANY script in such objects I want to copy from 
stack to tempstack and back. I use the event hierarchy for solving this. In the 
stackscript (or cardscript if appropriate), which gets any event from such 
objects with empty scripts, I have sth like:

on mouseDown
if the short name of the owner of the target = "content" then 
-- there is only one group "content"
grab me
select the target 
-- etc.
end if

This has the result that you can move around only the selected object within 
the group "content", copy the group "content" from the stack to the tempstack 
and back - without disturbing the other objects in the card. And it allows 
easily changing the handlers in later versions using the same group "content" 
edited by previous versions.

a) I embed the important (password protected and some not protected) stacks 
into the standalone 
b) as Chipp pointed out the standalone binary cannot be decompiled as easy as 
in 2.2.1
c) I can load my own encrypted stacks by decrypt stackbinary; go stack 
d) I even can use the passkey syntax for opening extern protected stacks from a 
.rev file by a routine in the standalone which knows the passkey for these 
external stacks 
I can live with the password mechanisms of runrev.

Regards, Franz

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