On Thu Oct 16, 2008, James Hurley jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net wrote:

It worked after a fashion but is rough around the edges. In particular when masking to an ellipse, the results is flat on the right edge and the bottom edge. I do this by running over the image and masking all pixels that are not within the ellipse--using the "within" function. That should work.

But it doesn't quite. There must be something about images I don't understand. I would appreciate any thoughts.

To see the effect, run this in the msg box:

go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/MaskingToEllipse.rev";

Jim Hurley

Hi Jim,

as usual, somewhat late in joining this thread.

I tried to download your stack several times, but all I get is "No such card" in the msg, so I cannot look at what may have caused those flat edges.

We had a related discussion in December 2007 ("Onion Skinning", "Caricature Challenge") where I had described the routines I apply to mask variable parts of an image - possibly resize (shrink and enlarge) and/or rotate the masked image - and which is then pasted into another part of the same or another image. But the newly masked and cropped image could also be used as a separate new image.

Such routines will be part of my upcoming stack "Photo Patchworks" which contains 6 scalable and draggable selection graphics for masking, namely rect, oval, rhomb, star, triangle-up, triangle-down, and semi-circle. These selection graphics are accompanied (invisibly) by corresponding and partly transparent png-images, which have different "fringes" of transparency among which you can choose for masking.

Taking a snapshot is not part of the process.

I repeat part of my post of Dec, 18, 2007 ("Caricature Challenge") here, and would still like to have a look at your stack. Could you upload it again?:

In my reply of Nov 29 to thread "Any suggestions on how to "onion
skinning"?" I had mentioned some new features of my upcoming release of
the "Imagedata Toolkit" - among them

"copying - and enlarging or shrinking - and pasting oval or rectangular
portions of an image into the same or another image with variable fringe
and/or overall blending into the basic image)."

I applied this to a photo of a not unknown public figure

(snipped here, as a number of list members felt offended by the caricature)

To achieve this I used a number of steps, in which about two of Ken's
five steps are applied, but most of which follow a  different sequence
and are of another  nature.

The basis for the "copying - and enlarging or shrinking - and pasting
oval or rectangular portions of an image"  are rects, ovals, and
polygons in the form of images with transparent fringes of different sizes.

I use a rectangular or oval graphic as a selection tool that can be
resized and dragged  across the photo to select a portion of it (This
selection tool is similar to that used in my "seamless tiles 2" stack).
The underlying image - the partially tranparent basic template - is then
adjusted in location  and size  to the selected portion of  the photo.
At the same time an already existing empty image "newimage" is  also set
to  the selected portion of the image.
The imagedata of  the selected portion  of the photo are then read  into
the "newimage", and the alphadata of the template are applied to the

You can then enlarge or shrink  "newimage" or leave  it as it  is and
drag it to any place  on the photo. You can  also flip "newimage".

Next step is to integrate the image- and alphadata of "newimage" into
the photo, either once or several times at different places. This
integration can be applied with variable levels of blending,  in
addition to the transparent fringe of the template that ensures optimal
blending into the photo.

If an enlarged portion  of  "newimage" should have been dragged to a
position where it overlaps the rect of the photo, the overlapping parts
of "newimage" are then cut off in the process of integration.-

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke


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