Hi Len,


It seems that you come from an "old fashioned" DB background (i.e., dBaseII, etc) where the idea of a record number meant something.

Actually I come form nowhere (database wise) :-D

And I really do not care about record numbers, I only want to display something like "Record x of Y" on the card while he is browsing through the data, since this the info
that I would like to see, too.

And I want to "sync" this display after a new cursor has been fetched.
Know what I mean?

If you read up on the history of SQL, you'll see that one of reasons for SQL was to get rid of the concept of a record number. In fact when you join two or more tables, what would the "record number" represent since the "table" that you are returning doesn't actually exist in the database (it's created on the fly). However, there IS a way that Revolution is particularly good at: Return your records as a list (as opposed to a record set) and then go to the line number (which becomes the record number) and use "items" to get at the various fields. As long as your returned data isn't too large, it should be very fast.

Since I do not know how large the possible data is, I tend to create generic handlers.
That's why I prefer cursors instead of the "real" data.

As to your second question (how do you know if a table has any data in it), I've always used SQL to give me that answer:


Any SQL database worthy of the name should have at least this aggregate function. PostgreSQL at least, doesn't require the "GROUP BY" clause with COUNT(*) and I suspect others would be the same. If the record count is 0, there hasn't been any data entered. It won't choke if there are no tables since in this case, zero is a valid answer.

Ah, great, that is a very useful hint, thanks a lot!

len morgan


Klaus Major

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