Hi Nicolas,

Use a text field when you set the custom property that Devin wrote.
set the cJptoolTip of btn "whatever" to unidecode(the unicodeText of fld "mytext","utf8")

and change the script to

on setJpTooltip
   put the seconds into lEnterSec
set the unicodeText of fld "jpTooltip" to uniencode(the cJpTooltip of the target, utf8)

  -- Adjust "+2" to any number.
set the width of fld "jpTooltip" to the formattedWidth of fld "jpTooltip" + 2

  -- these two lines were added. Adjust "-4" to any number.
set the height of fld "jpTooltip" to the formattedHeight of fld "jpTooltip" -4
   set the align of fld "jpTooltip" to left

end setJpTooltip

Kenji Kojima

On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:07 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

Thanks Kenji and Devin.

That worked somewhat, but not
if the custom prop contains more
than one line, in which case only
the first line is visible in the tooltip

Nicolas Cueto
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