At 1:51 PM +0000 11/24/08, Phil Jimmieson wrote:
The ideal would be if Rev could save the images as RTF directly, alternatively, if the RTFText could at least contain a reference or

Here's some food for thought:

Without pouring through the RFCs right now, I don't' think the original RTF standard alone allows for images integrated with text, but Apple's little TextEdit app can save .rtfd documents, which do. RTFD is just another apple folder as bundle with two files inside.

Pasted Graphic.tiff

If one control-drags the bundle, one can look inside. It looks like this code could be hacked just as easily, using graphics tags. Looking at this might be interesting on both platforms.

The question is, will it diplay on PCs? On a PC of course the bundle will just look like a folder in the Windows world. But the files are next to each other and simply referenced in the rtf. My guess is that Word could read these, just go inside and read the rtf document, perhaps the new PC Word 2010 is hip enough to recognize an Apple bundle.

An aside to the .rtfd suffix -- back in the mid-late-80's when I was first working with HC, I was writing a lot of software for people around a recording studio, and I had created a couple of special file formats. I got the studio signed on to the developer program at Apple (a friend of mine knew Chris Espanosa from childhood) and as a developer, found out about the file type registration system, you know, the four-letter code that get imbedded in the files using the FILETYPE command in rev.
The creator type I registered was BARN
The filetypes I registered were RTFD and RTFB.

shoud I sue? :)

(this is probably the first time and the last time I have ever used a smiley)
I still connect it with "Have a Nice Day" from the 70's, which today means "Drop Dead".

The ideal would be if Rev could save the images as RTF directly, alternatively, if the RTFText could at least contain a reference or comment to say that an image is present, that would be useful (then I'd have to roll my own image to RTF code). At the moment, there's no sign in the RTF at all that there are images in the field.

Phil Jimmieson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (UK) 0151 795 4236


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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