On Nov 24, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Devin Asay wrote:

Anyone know if it's possible to set the unicodeText of a field to data
contained in a variable?  So far all the examples I've found involve
the unicodeText from an external binary file, or setting the
unicodeText of
one field to the unicodeText of another.

Yes, you can do this. All you have to do is make sure that the
variable contains valid unicode text, then do:

set the unicodeText of fld "babel" to varFullOfUnicode

It works with custom properties, too.

set the unicodeText of fld "babel" to the uniStoredText of me

As Mark said, if it's not already uni-encoded you have to run it
through uniencode() first.

I guess I'm not understanding when text should or should not be "encoded".

I have an external text file which was saved as UTF-16 that is read into a
variable.  I am trying to find lineOffsets of various strings in the
variable text, but so far I keep getting values of 0 (not found). I have tried using "set the useUnicode to true" before reading the variable (and
without) and still get 0.

If I first place the text in a field (set the unicodeText of fld xyz to url
("binfile:" & tFile)), I am able to find the offsets.

I'm not sure what all the implications are of using offset functions with unicode text. That's one area I've not experimented with much.

So do I need to do anything to the variable text first? Encode? Decode?
Something else?

This is how I would do it:

put url "binfile:myUnicodeFile.utx" into myUniVar
set the unicodeText of fld "myUniFld" to myUniVar

This is all assuming that you're sure the unicode file is UTF16 encoded and was produced by a processor that uses the same byte-order as yours. (PPC and Intel are different, for example.)

If the text file is UTF-8, do it this way:

put url "binfile:myUnicode8file.ut8" into myUniVar
set the unicodeText of fld "myUniFld" to uniencode(myUniVar,"UTF8")



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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