Mark Smith wrote:
Before I begin, Jacqueline suggested I let the other Mark Smith in this list
know that I am not a doppleganger. We probably look nothing alike :-)

Yay! You came! :) Personally I think we should give both of you pet names.

I import the image ok using the File menu command "import as control" (at least
I think that is what I am to do). And then the image shows up. But I've not
been able to figure out how you move it into the background group using the
edit group control. When I select the image the edit group control is not an
option. If I select the group on the card, then select "edit group" nothing
happens. There must be some sequence of mouse clicks that I am just not
getting. Any advice would be great. Thanks

There've been a couple of ways posted that will move your image into the group. Here's another method. When you import a control, it will go into the layer that is currently active. Usually this is the card layer, which is what happened when you did it. You can use either Sarah's or (the other) Mark's method to move it into the group.

Or you can just import it into the group directly. Make sure "Edit grouped controls" is turned off in the toolbar, click on your group to select it, and then click "Edit group" in the toolbar. Now you are in group editing mode. Now import your image as a control. It goes into the group layer because that's the active one. Then click off "Edit group" and you're back on the card, with your image in the group.

Oh, and at midnight I turn into a pumpkin according to the "trial remaining
days" counter. I better go buy something if I am too be able to complete this
tutorial. Cheers,

Cutting it close. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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