I'm trying to add, as part of an installer app, the ability to reproduce any original custom folder icons in OSX (and perhaps OS9 as I think it uses the same mechanism). In other words, I would like to be able to suck up the custom folder icon information along with everything else so that it can be restored when the folder is spit out elsewhere.

If I understand correctly, the folder icon is controlled by an invisible file named "Icon"&CR (often referred to as "Icon\r") which contains an icon resource ("icns",-16455). Additionally, I believe the folder itself needs to have a flag set in order for it to accept this icon.

I can't seem to touch or otherwise get a peek at the resource inside the icon\r file without first renaming it to something without the carriage return.

I haven't tried to figure out the folder flag yet. Any suggestions gladly accepted.

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
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