Hi Mark,

When I try the code below I get an error dialog.

on mouseUp
    put "Hello Mark" into theData
    put binaryencode("h*",theData) into dataEncoded
    put dataEncoded into fld id 1009
end mouseUp

Should I be able to put the encoded data in a field without
decoding it?  Any idea why this does not put something into
the field?


On Dec 6, 2008, at 1:56 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Hi JB,

put binaryencode("h*",mySourceVar) into myDestVar
get binaryDecode("h*",myDestVar,mySourceVar)

What kind of data do you want to encode and what do you want to do with it?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum: http://runrev.info/rrforum

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On 6 dec 2008, at 21:47, -= JB =- wrote:

The Rev Dictionary provides info about the BinaryEncode function and it mentions,

use the BinaryEncode function to encode one or more values as binary data.

Does this mean I can put a whole field into the BinaryEncode function and encode it
and if so does someone have an example of using a whole field?


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