
Revolution is like Jehovah Witnesses. Made up of a relatively small albeit stable and friendly community of followers and controlled by a small company Revolution somehow resists the power of mainstream beliefs with large evil corporations behind. Although well known for its pacifistic attitudes, it cherishes a hope since the very establishment that this evil World is moving to the end, and the Revolution is going to dominate the New World soon. Believing the God's name has to be written and pronounced using rules of the English language, its followers read and interpret the Scripts literally. However this might have raised some doubts about the trustworthiness of the word about Revolution because of experiences caused by diverse national, linguistic and religious identities. The partisans of Revolution strongly believe that many dogmas and assumptions of mainstream religions are incorrect interpretations, bad habits and even superstitions. Meanwhile adherents of the mainstream religions usually look at revolutionists "from above". However the later tend to became converted after just a few days of "hands on" experience with Revolution.
sorry, I could not resist to write one more, as it was also missing from the original list of languages :-)
Assembly - the language in which the Universe has been created. Mastered only by the God himself. Currently known and used by ascended beings or inspired humans, and unfortunately, also demons and dark mags. While the former can do miracles with it, the dark side adherents use their knowledge to corrupt the World.

sincerely your
slightly inspired cafeteria christian permanently corrupted by voodoo practices

Hugh Senior wrote:
I would quote this in full, but it's better on the webPage...

We now need one for Rev.

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