Yes, that is a problems with pre-made tabs. I just usually use the provided

Two methods come to mind that I use:

1.   Close up the built in tab panel "backdrop" with its shadows, etc to
just below the buttons and close the width, and make up your own backdrop
for the control with a roundrect graphic object behind the tabbed control.
There will be a little 'artifact' going through the buttons but it could be
incorporated into the look, as long as you don't try to change the bgcolor.

2. You can easily build your own tabs into custom controls.

start with radio buttons (their logic is special )
Choose to show the name or not in each buttons' properties.
group them together.
set the group's tabgroupbehavior to true
the buttons will switch one and only one at a time
create artwork for the icon states you want "icon, hilited icon, disabled
icon,etc. including 'dummy buttons for end caps that trap mouseups.

menupick and menuhistory are going to have to be worked around.

group script event:

local tHistory
on  mouseUP
    put the hilitedbutton of me  into tHistory --(me = the radio group)

switch tHistory
case 1

-- do something
case 2
-- do something

end switch

end mouseUP


set the hilitedbutton of group id 1009 to 1

be sure to layer the buttons toward the user to adjust for btn overlap

experimentation is needed between artwork and code to get it right. I
suggest a layer tool like Chipps AltLayerTools or Jerry's VAB to avoid hair

Advantages: make it look like you want, any images. New images replace stock
radio button graphic.  Individual tooltips are possible (stock tabs have
only one per state), background layers can be placed as needed

Disadvantages:   Harder to add new tabs, faked menupick and history - these
could be enabled using setprop and getprop.

Ken Ray is my inspiration for even attempting custom controls - he's the
master - at one Revcon he demonstrated making a tabbed menu and there was a
stack available at the conference, however I don't know if it's online
anywhere. Very clever, original ideas.  Perhaps he could tell us if its
available, but it's not the same without Ken talking over it!

Eric Chatonet has a tutorial on using tabbed menus. You've probably seen it.

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 11:27 AM, william humphrey <>wrote:

> Making tab fields that are pretty is harder than I thought. The tab menu
> has
> a nice pretty rounded corner background but if you try to set the
> background
> color of it that color has square corners. Since RunRev knows how to make
> the nice rounded background in the first place why isn't it possible (or is
> it?) to color just that part?
> --Thanks --
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