Bonsoir Jan

There is a problem on the the Transcript Dictionary which doesn't mention "International" as a valid Sort Type.

In fact International does something different which is Surprising
Here is the result with "International":
and the result without "International"

I shall use the links you gave me, they will give me a chance to find something to begin with and may be a solution.
It seems the Find problem has been mentioned in these old mails.


Le mardi, 4 mars 2003, à 12:55 Europe/Paris, Jan Schenkel a écrit :
Bonjour Pierre,

This issue has come up in the past. The easiest
solution is to use the 'international' clause:
sort lines of tVariable international
However, some people have reported strange results, so
your mileage may vary.

If it doesn't work, you can adopt a different
technique, which I described in an earlier post.
Here's the link:

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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