Message: 6 Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 16:19:01 +0100 Subject: sentences as items From: Toma Tasovac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I make Revolution count each sentence in a field as an item --
so that I can then easily manipulate whole sentences as item 1, item 2
etc.  In other words is there a magical way to make several characters
("." "?" "!") count as the same itemDelimiter?

All best,


I'm not sure what kind of manipulation you had in mind but as an example of what you might try, the mouseUp handler below will interchange sentences 3 and 5 in text in which all sentences end in .,? or !

It's not pretty. It puts a new delimiter at the end of each sentence, does the manipulation and then deletes the delimiter.

On mouseUP
  put "*" into tChar --Or some less likely character
  put field 1 into tText
  put addDelimiter(tText,tChar) into tText
  put interchangeSentences(3,5,tText,tChar)into tText
  replace tChar with "" in tText
  put  tText into field 2
end mouseUP

function addDelimiter temp,tChar
  replace "." with "." & tChar in temp
  replace "?" with "?" & tChar in temp
  replace "!" with "!" & tChar in temp
  return temp
end addDelimiter

function interchangeSentences n,m,theText,tChar
  set the itemdelimiter to tChar
  put item n of theText into temp
  put item m of theText into item n of theText
  put temp into  item m of theText
  return theText
end interchangeSentences

Hope this gives you some ideas.

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