I apparently do not understand arrays at all. I have a 2 row list, called myVar. Each line contains "1,2,3" and "4,5,6" respectively. I want to use the split command to make an array so that myVar[1,1] = 1 and myvar[2,1] =4. split ALWAYS seems to think that the first item it encounters in each line is the key I want to use to reference it, and everything after that are the elements of the array. I JUST want to convert a list to an array an reference the elements by row and column.

Eventually I want to delete whole columns of the array and recombine the array back to a list. If I have to use repeat loops to populate the array, why then that's like paying for a glass of orange juice with a bottle of orange juice.

Any ideas?

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Calvary Chapel CM
Sent from iPhone
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