
Having no Mac experience I wanted to write my first one liner applescript
but failed even with such a basic. What I want to do is to launch an app
"foo" on a CD "fooCD". My one and only script line looks like:

Tell application "Finder" to open folder "Volumes:fooCD:foo.app"

When trying to run this script it gives me the AppleScript error:  "folder
"Volumes:fooCD:foo.app"" can't be read. I get the same error, when starting
with fooCD (without Volumes)


When trying to make a two liner:

Set x to "Volumes:fooCD:foo.app" as alias

Tell application "Finder" to open folder x

Pops the error: File "Volumes:fooCD:foo.app" could not be found


Set x to "fooCD:foo.app" as alias

Tell application "Finder" to open folder x

Pops the error: alias "fooCD:foo.app" could not be converted into typ folder


Any advice very appreciated





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