on Thu, 13 Mar 2003 00:03:31 -0800, "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 6:45 AM -0800 3/5/03, Ivers, Doug E wrote:
>Does anyone have an example they could send me in which a
>menubar menu is a stack?

You can't make a stack menu into a menubar menu, I'm afraid. (I suppose you
could fake it on Windows, since there the menu bar is inside the window.
But not on Mac OS/OS X.)

Ah! That's illuminating! I'd read about stack menus in the docs, and in fact never 
wanted to use one, but I always vaguely thought that indeed it was an alternative way 
of creating a menubar menu (as I come from a Mac background) and wondered why anyone 
would do it. Now I know that a stack menu can't be a menubar menu, and it would be 
'faking it' if it was so used in Windows, so I'm completely foxed as to what sort of 
menu it can be. Obviously there is some other kind of menu that I never use. Pardon my 
complete dumbness on this one, but can anyone give me an example of when and why you 
would use a stack menu?



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France
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