dunb...@aol.com wrote:
I am rewriting the "ss" function in HC. Because it is there.

Whereas this works fine (in a button script):

on mouseUp
 set cursor to plus
    repeat until the optionKey is down
       if the mouseClick then put the mouseLoc
    end repeat
end mouseUp

I cannot get this to work at all:

on mouseUp
 set cursor to plus
    repeat until the optionKey is down
if the mouseClick then put the mouseControl end repeat
end mouseUp

Only changed one word.

I can get mouseLocs at each click all around the stack. I can only get the mouseControl for the object that contains the script itself. Something about the mouseControl?

From the docs: "If the mouse button is down, the mouseControl function returns the control that was clicked, even if the mouse has moved to another control."

Since "the mouseclick" causes a mousedown, mouseWithin, mouseUp sequence, and since your repeat loop is very short and tight, the mousecontrol may be triggering on the original mousedown only. I'm guessing though.

A better method might be to use a flag and the mousemove message:

In a button:
on mouseup
   send "getmousecontrol" to this cd in 1
end mouseup

In the card or stack:

local flag

on getmousecontrol
   put true into flag
end getmousecontrol

on mousemove x,y
   if the optionkey is down then put false into flag
   if flag then put the mousecontrol
end mousemove

There are some other reasons not to poll the mouse inside a repeat loop. One reason is that the right values aren't always returned, because the condition of the mouse is only checked at the exact moment the line of script is running. In long loops, a mouseclick may not trigger at all if the mouse is clicked while a different command inside the loop is running.

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Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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