Nicolas Cueto wrote:
One more possibility. The old server was 32bit,
the new, 64bit. Could that be a problem for the Rev
engine? Geez I hope not!

Probably not. The only reported issue on the desktop with 64-bit OS is a scripting error that checked the version using an old format. Haven't heard of any other issues, none with the engine itself.

The engine version now in my cgi folder is (I think)
2.6.  And yesterday I uploaded the "Standalone"
engine (?) that comes with my Rev 2.9 (in the
Runtime > Linux > x86-32 folder), but not even
my test-cgi script worked with that.

(In the meantime I've contacted the WebHost --
a not very helpful first-reply. Their suggestion?
That I re-compile. Recompile what?!

Does any other RevUser with a Dreamhost
account know of someone there who's familiar
with Rev?)

Dreamhost is my favorite Rev-friendly host. I also have Rev CGIs running on Bluehost and TierraNet, but I do most of my work on my Dreamhost accounts.

I don't have a direct contact at DH, but their office isn't far from me so I could visit in person if needed. :)

Just curious: Why did they make the change in the first place? Did they indicate whether they'd be doing this to other servers, or were you just lucky?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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