Kay, two ways to do this - in the stack script, one of:
1) a repeat loop with waits
on flipThroughCards
repeat with n = 1 to the number of cds in this stack
go cd n of this stack
wait 1 second -- or whatever
end repeat
end flipThroughCards
or 2) send in time
on flipToCard cardNum
go cd cardNum
if cardNum < the number of cds in this stack then
add 1 to cardNum
send "flipToCard cardNum" to me in 1 second
end if
end flipToCard
On 31 Mar 2009, at 06:31, klists wrote:
I'm a newbie who is stumped by this: I would like to click a
button, which would start a process of flipping thru the cards of a
stack, capturing the mouse position over each card as it runs. I
would like to write the mouse position coordinates to each card,
and to set the speed of the flipping before starting. I can get the
mouse position ok, but am having trouble seeing how to build the
flipping process "the Revolution Way". Any help on what concepts or
functions would be useful is appreciated!
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