On the Revolution mailing list, on Friday, March 14, 2003, at 06:26 AM, Tim Hart wrote:

So now that Supercard 4 is out. What are your opinions? I was reading in MacWorld and they kind of made a stab at Rev for waiting so long to release 2. I have to say it is funny. I mean what is the hold up. I don't mean to be a jerk but I don't see how they could possibly miss their original announcement by 4 months of just bug fixing. What is going on?

As always happens when a topic like this comes up, there was some lively debate, a few questions of character, and not much positive result. When this happened on the REALbasic list last year, I posted a couple pages on a wiki server with room for opinion. The result was actually halfway decent, so I've done the same for SuperCard/Revolution. The home page for discussion is at:


Right now there isn't much there, but that's the beauty of a wiki: _anyone_ can edit the pages. There is no authorization required, no permission needed. There are two pages linked from the above URL: one for SuperCard's strengths, and another for Revolution's. Feel free to browse, and be sure to click the Edit link and add your two cents.

Please be civil. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a wiki is supposed to be a polite commons. We get the respect we give. If you're curious, here's the current state of the Revolution and REALbasic comparison:


It could stand an update, especially in light of REALbasic 5.0, so if you know anything on the subject, dig in there as well.


Geoff Canyon

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