Moin Tiemo,

this should get you started (mind linewraps):

put encodeUtf8("<?xml version=" & quote & "1.0" & quote & " encoding=" & quote & "UTF-8" & quote & "?><request name=" & quote & pAction & quote & "></request>") into tData
    put revCreateXMLTree(tData, true, true, false) into tId

function decodeUtf8 pContents
    local tContents
    put unidecode(uniencode(pContents,"UTF8"),"english") into tContents
if chartonum(the last char of tContents)=10 then delete the last char of tContents
    return tContents
end decodeUtf8

function encodeUtf8 pContents
    return unidecode(uniencode(pContents, "english"), "UTF8")
end encodeUtf8

Make sure to encodeUTF8 when you put your data into the XML and to decode when you retrieve it.


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