On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM, R. Hillen <m...@richard-hillen.de> wrote:

> Another idea:
> put the app into the folder users/AllUsers (or such like that; in German:
> Benutzer/ Für alle Benutzer)
> All Users can start the app from there;.
> This might also appear as: <Hard Disc>/Users/Shared

If you Get Info on the Shared folder it should say: system,wheel,everyone
have Read & Write permissions. Place the app in this Shared Folder, Get Info
for the Shared folder and click the cog and apply the permissions to
everything inside. Get Info for your app and see if the permissions have
been amended. If it then works, try placing it back in the <Hard
Disc>/Applications Folder.

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